Getting GooseEYE#

Using conda#

The quickest (but not the most efficient!) is to use conda to install GooseEYE:

conda install -c conda-forge python-gooseeye


This package does not benefit from xsimd optimisation, as it is not compiled on your hardware. Therefore compiling by hand can be advantageous.

From source#

Start by downloading the package:

git checkout
cd GooseEYE

Then, install the dependencies, for example using conda:

conda env update --file environment.yaml

Finally, install the package using:

python -m pip install . -v --no-build-isolation --no-deps

If you want to use hardware optimisations, you can use:

SKBUILD_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS="-DUSE_SIMD=1" python -m pip install . -v --no-build-isolation --no-deps


Since you are compiling a C++ extension, with C++ libraries as dependencies, you cannot rely solely on pip to install the dependencies. As observed, conda does contain all the dependencies. Alternatively, you can use whatever non-supported method you prefer.